Monday, May 15, 2017

Post-Grad Pondering : Graduation

Hello all!

I'm writing to you from my first day as a graduate from St. Michael's College. Yesterday was a blur of emotions, a whirlwind of goodbyes, and an overall surreal experience. It flew by in what didn't seem like enough time to let things truly sink in. (Will any amount of time be enough, really??) And while no photo can fully capture that, I wanted to give you a quick glimpse of my graduation.

A quick "holy crap we're graduating" selfie on our walk to the library for the official class picture before procession. 

Me and my roommate of three years, Marissa! If you've read my post about the highlights of my St. Mike's experience, you know I met Marissa on POW, one of the college's summer orientation weekends. She's since become not only my roommate, but my closest friend at St. Mike's. Love you, Marissa! 

St. Mike's, thank you for everything. Vermont, we'll be back soon.

Until next time!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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