Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What-to-Know Wednesday : How Every SMC Student Can Benefit from Career Services

Whether you're a First Year about to finish up the beginning of your college career or a senior about to finish up for good, St. Michael's Career Services is an on campus service available and valuable to all students!

Take advantage of the resources available to you in the following ways...

1.) Pinpoint what you're aspiring to.

Developing ideas now about where you want to be headed in the future will ensure that you're taking the right classes and joining the right activities along the way to get you where you want to go!

2.) Building a LinkedIn profile

This is a crucial step in developing your professional identity. Starting it early and building as you go along will ensure you have a strong profile by the time you're ready to graduate and apply to jobs!

3.) Perfecting Your Resume/Cover Letters

As you start getting into junior and especially senior year, now is the time to start thinking next steps. The counselor will walk you through your drafts and pinpoint what needs changing, improving, etc.

4.) Job Searching

This is pretty much self explanatory...however, it's worth noting how invaluable an outside, unbiased perspective can be in defining a step that could largely affect your life going forward!

As a soon-to-be SMC graduate, I've been utilizing Career Services quite a bit lately. In fact, I wish I'd started to utilize their help sooner!

It can be scary to think ahead. But getting help and clarifying these steps along the way can ease the stress that often accompanies them and better prepare you for starting your post-grad future!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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