Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #1

Hello all!

Well, it's official- we've come out of our first week of classes alive! So far, I'm loving my classes. This semester, I have everything in the afternoon, which is definitely a change of pace for me. I'm adjusting well so far, and I've found that it's been nice having the morning to get a good breakfast, go to the gym, and take some more time getting ready for the day than I was able to last year with 8 AM classes!

I had a great first week and and weekend, so without further ado, here comes the weekly review in photos!

Reppin' all our favorite spots at The View, which, as suggested by name, is the best view on campus. 

Our first trip to Church Street of the year- complete with breakfast sandwiches from Kountry Kart (likely the best sandwich you'll find downtown)!

A dorm visit to my brother, who just started his freshman year at Champlain College! He's a quick ten minutes from St. Mike's, so play-dates are convenient!

We all know by now that VT sunsets are the best's the first one (of many to come) I documented this year!

On Saturday, we hiked Camel's Hump in Huntington for the first time! It was a great one, and while it was certainly a workout, the view at the top made the sweaty backpacks and twisted ankles well worth it. 4,083 ft, everybody!! Give it a shot, you'll never feel more on top of the world.

Another stroll down Church Street today- this time we stopped by a Taco Gordo cart and got two carnitas (pork) tacos for just $7. Fresh and delicious!

Then we made our first trip of the year down to the Champlain waterfront, which, as I've mentioned a gratuitous amount of times before, is far and away my favorite spot downtown. You just can't beat that view!

Thanks for reading everyone, and be sure to tune in for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 9th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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