Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What-to-Know Wednesday : The Power of the Study Spot

 Hello all!

With the third week of classes halfway come and gone (already?? how?!?!!), we've started getting into the swing of classes here at St. Mike's. Of course it varies from person to person, but I find that the adjustment period typically lasts about this amount of time...and somehow, it's flown by.

Along with getting used to the routine of my new classes, I've also started getting back into my homework/study routine. (And I say "routine" because it's pretty darn imperative that one is established!)

With classes going on around your additional involvements at St. Mike's, whatever they may be, it's important to set aside time (and, as I'll argue, a specific place!) each day for work. So without further ado, feast your eyes (and minds!) below on the Power of the Study Spot!

As I've mentioned before, I like doing my homework in a classroom in one of the academic buildings. (Of course I can't give away the specific location at risk of losing my study spot!)

Ok that giant photo might give it away.

But more importantly, the point here is to designate a specific place in which you do your work or studying every day. If you want to take things one step further (which I recommend you do), make sure that study spot is the same study spot each time.

As you'll find, homework at college can be quite the mental game. It's often impossible to focus on homework and studying when it's gorgeous outside and you have that temptation, especially on a campus like ours in a place like VT.
Ugh, homework?! But I could just as easily go to Church Street. Get some Ben & Jerry's. Go to the Farmer's Market. Go on a hike. Up a mountain. Away from here.

It's understandable; you're only human. But thankfully, finding a tried and true study spot will help push these temptations out of your mind. By going to the same place every day to do your work, that mental switch will flip when you get there. By going to the same place every day, you associate that place with getting your work done...right down to the core of your being!

With that in mind, it's probably best that you avoid picking a study spot with a big gaping window overlooking campus and all the fun things everyone is doing. Also steer clear from places that typically get crowded or noisy. And please...please stay away from your room! Unless you've got the strongest will power of all time, it's pretty likely that the temptations of your TV, chatting with roommates, and your bed will be too much to handle. Make it easy on yourself and pick a relatively isolated, quiet space. Classrooms in the academic buildings, small lounges on your floor, or private library rooms are some great choices.

Good luck, happy studying, and stay tuned for the next Sum-It-Up Sunday on the 20th!

What are some of your tried and true study strategies?

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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