With springtime fast approaching here in Vermont, there's lots to look forward to in the area! Having just come out of a pretty disappointing winter, we're getting excited for warmer weather and the fun stuff that comes with it!
Keep your fingers crossed for spring's official arrival so we can all enjoy...
Free Cone Day!
This April 12th is Burlington's most beloved holiday- Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry's!! Ice cream lovers show up from all over to wait in the long line that inevitably forms all the way down Church Street. It's worth it for the best ice cream in the world!
At the end of every spring semester, St. Mike's hosts P-Day: a day-long festival of inflatables, free food from local hot spots (The Skinny Pancake, Ben & Jerry's, and many more!), and other activities!
Getting back outside!
I'm used to spending my winter weekends skiing. But this season, as we all know, was a complete letdown. One of the biggest reasons I'm looking forward to the warmer weather is so we can get this joke of a winter behind us, and move on to having fun outside again! I hope that more trips downtown, to local parks, and getting back to our hikes (which may have to wait till the fall) are in our near future!
Preparing for summer!
It's been a long semester for so many reasons, and I'm very much looking forward to my last summer vacation as a college student (oh my god that may have just hit me)! So far, I have plans to return to a favorite family camping spot, attend two country concerts, and hopefully many more adventures!
What are you looking forward to this spring?
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #10 (Spring Break)
Hello all, and Happy Easter!!
It's been a wonderful week here in Newbury, MA as all us St. Mike's students have been enjoying spring break!
Somehow almost every photo involved food in today's Sum-It-Up Sunday...I would apologize, but hey. I eat food, you eat food, we all eat food. It's cool.
Anyway, I hope all you SMC students have had a wonderful spring break, and I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 30th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
It's been a wonderful week here in Newbury, MA as all us St. Mike's students have been enjoying spring break!
One of my first meals at home! Nothing beats cooking breakfast again. |
(As you can probably tell, mom bought a lot of avocados. Some homemade guac will be in order later.) |
Homemade bread!!! Well, almost. We meant to buy bread, then just threw some pizza dough in a bread pan once we realized we'd forgotten. |
These need to stop. They're just so terrifying. But also too much fun. (Alternate caption: girls' night with my friend Maureen, complete with Gilmore Girls and cookie dough ice cream. |
Some pesto-making festivities with leftover basil! |
Few things smell better than fresh basil, am I right?? |
Easter treats! Cadbury eggs in edible nests. |
Somehow almost every photo involved food in today's Sum-It-Up Sunday...I would apologize, but hey. I eat food, you eat food, we all eat food. It's cool.
Anyway, I hope all you SMC students have had a wonderful spring break, and I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 30th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
What-to-Know Wednesday : Building Your LinkedIn Profile As a College Student
I'm banking on the fact that all you prospective students probably know what LinkedIn is at this point, but just in case you don't, here's the lowdown- essentially, it's an online resume melded with a social network through which you can endorse other people's skills, congratulate them on new jobs, etc. Basically Facebook for the professional world. As a fairly new LinkedIn user (I signed up towards the end of last semester), I'd say that a pretty large emphasis is placed on the act of actually building up your profile.
When I signed up and created a profile last semester as part of an assignment for my Business Communications class, my initial thoughts were, what could I possibly build up a profile with at this stage in the game? I'm not out in the workforce just yet- who would even be interested in my profile?
But when used correctly and to its full potential, LinkedIn can be one of your most useful tools in marketing yourself as a professional! That being said, there's no need to fear. Here are a few LinkedIn tips and tricks for all you soon-to-be or current college students, whether or not you're already signed up!
1.) Pick a profile photo that's indicative of both your personality and your professional goals.
There's no need to go digging up a three-year-old prom photo just because it's the most formal thing you might have right now. And there's even less need to go cropping away to a painful extent at said photo. As long as it's good quality (another argument against any crop-happy tendencies), you're smiling, you're dressed relatively conservatively, and there's a clean background, you're probably good to go. Again- your profile picture should be an accurate (but also appropriate) representation of who you are. Don't overthink it!
2.) Follow the prompts to the best of your ability.
As you're building your profile, LinkedIn will prompt you to fill out different areas like your work experience, volunteer experience, professional interests, skills, etc. If something doesn't apply to you, or you feel like you don't have enough experience to adequately fill out an area, don't force it. This is one of those "quality over quantity" scenarios. One of the great things about LinkedIn is that you can continue to build your profile as you gain more experience in different areas and develop as a professional. There's time to build up each area as you go!
3.) Elaborate on your experience as it pertains to your professional goals.
Simply put, you can probably leave out that very first summer job that you held onto for all of two months back in high school. However, you'll want to highlight and elaborate on the experiences you've had working towards your post-grad goals. In other words, if you hope to work in journalism, really milk all your work for local papers, school journals, writing competitions, etc. If you hope to work in the health field, make note of your teaching assistant experience in your college laboratory, your internship at the local hospital, etc. You get the idea!
Good luck, and happy networking!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #9
Hello all!
It's been another wonderful week at St. Mike's, and we're officially on spring break! After a week of exams and presentations, we had a rewarding weekend to start off our break, and we're looking forward to the week ahead.
To all you SMC students, I hope you have a wonderful spring break! To everyone, I hope you've all enjoyed this first full day of spring!
Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 23rd!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
It's been another wonderful week at St. Mike's, and we're officially on spring break! After a week of exams and presentations, we had a rewarding weekend to start off our break, and we're looking forward to the week ahead.
A stormy afternoon on the lake at Oakledge Park! |
A view of the Forever Young Treehouse before the rain started coming down! |
A St. Patrick's Day-themed dessert at Sloane on Thursday night! |
Heading up to NH for the weekend on Friday afternoon to kick off spring break! |
This drive through the White Mountains is always a beautiful one! |
It was a great day at Wildcat Mountain! Crowds were few, lines were short, and sun was abundant. |
While the snow wasn't quite as abundant, we still had a great time with the conditions we were given. |
Lodge shenanigans with Jared, Colin and Isabel! |
Dinner at Delaney's Hole in the Wall in North Conway! |
To all you SMC students, I hope you have a wonderful spring break! To everyone, I hope you've all enjoyed this first full day of spring!
Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 23rd!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
What-to-Know Wednesday : Surviving SMC's Housing Process
There are very few times of the year that trump the stress of housing. I'd definitely say it's right up there with finals and class registration. Who will I live with? Where will I live? How can we make that possible? With all the unanswered questions hanging over your heads, it's often impossible to imagine this process without some dramatics sprinkled in.
Thankfully, however, there are ways to make the St. Mike's housing process as drama-free as possible! Take note of the tips below, and you'll be well on your way to smooth sailing.
1.) Have the conversation early!
Be in contact with potential roommate prospects on the earlier side of things. You'll want to make sure you have enough time to make arrangements and plans, and they'll appreciate the advance notice as well!
2.) Attend information sessions!
Each year, residence life hosts an information session for each class to discuss different aspects of the housing process for that year. Important dates, tips, and advice are usually discussed, so your attendance would certainly be to your benefit, as well as that of your future roommate(s)! Be sure to make note of such dates, and plan ahead to ensure you're taking proper procedures and meeting deadlines.
3.) Keep an eye on your e-mail!
Times to "opt-in" to your housing type (double, suite, townhouse, etc.) and the time your group is assigned to pick your room/house are sent via e-mail. You'll want to make sure you're checking vigilantly around housing time so you don't miss these key steps in the process! So keep an eye out, because a missed e-mail could be a real deal-breaker for you and your group.
It may seem stressful now, but after taking the proper steps to stay on top of the process, I've found that things usually work out just fine!
What's also great to deal with a stressful time of year is a care package from home! As I'm sure many of you SMC students already know, St. Mike's offers order forms from On Campus Market to parents at different times of the year: holidays, finals, etc. But it's also great to receive care packages at any other time of the year as well!
With the promo code BLOGGER10 good through July 1st, 2016, you'll save $10 off of any order at OCM.com! I hope any of you parents reading will consider checking out some of these care packages, because they're always great to receive!
Good luck, and be sure to enjoy this exciting time of year!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #8
Hello all!
It's been another wonderful week at St. Mike's! Things were a little different this week, as I was home to see family for the weekend. This upcoming week, us SMC students have one last push through exams before our spring break is finally upon us!
I hope you all had a wonderful week, and I wish you all the best of luck studying for midterms! We've just got a few more days to push through.
Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 16th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
It's been another wonderful week at St. Mike's! Things were a little different this week, as I was home to see family for the weekend. This upcoming week, us SMC students have one last push through exams before our spring break is finally upon us!
National Pancake day celebrated appropriately at IHOP! |
Local burger night is every other Tuesday at Alliot! Trust me, you'll want to reap those benefits! |
Home is where the pretty fireplaces are! |
...and the pretty sunsets, of course! |
I hope you all had a wonderful week, and I wish you all the best of luck studying for midterms! We've just got a few more days to push through.
Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 16th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
What-to-Know Wednesday : the Best Netflix Binges For Your Current Mood
Anyone in college will tell you that going on a good binge of their favorite Netflix show is one of the best ways to fight boredom, pass time (if you have time to pass), and even to relax on a quiet weekend night in. Whether you're flying solo, watching with a friend or watching in a group, actually picking a show to start can be a pretty tricky task. And of course we can't deny that finding a show that's going to perfectly complement your current mood and/or viewing scenario can be even more difficult!
That said, I've gathered up a few of my favorite Netflix shows of the past and present, all of which I would highly recommend watching! Not quite sure what you're feeling like once you get comfy and log in? Take a look below...
Looking for a laugh?
The Office
![]() |
theofficeisms.com |
I won't deny that I've watched all nine seasons of The Office twice through on Netflix, and that's not even counting the nine seasons I faithfully watched while the show aired. It's got a little something for everyone- comedy, romance, drama, and of course, Steve Carell. If you ask me, it's pretty hard not to find something to love in this show, and if you give it a try, you'll find yourself quoting episodes in no time at all!
Bob's Burgers
My boyfriend and I just finished the four seasons that are currently posted on Netflix, and as a skeptic of adult cartoons, I have to say that Bob's Burgers is a fantastic exception. Following a family-run burger joint and their hilarious adventures on a New Jersey harbor town, Bob's Burgers is a great light comedy to watch any time without having to worry about keeping up with a rigid story line.
Having a girls night?
Gilmore Girls
This is not the show to watch with your boyfriend. He has no interest in the charms of small town life, family drama, and how much you want to be a Gilmore girl yourself. That said, Gilmore Girls is perfect for a girls night or to watch solo! In fact, it happens to be my go-to. Feeling overwhelmed with school or down on a Monday? This classic is sure to cheer you up in a jiffy!
Looking for a thrill?
The Walking Dead

Having come in pretty late in the game around season four, I can now say that I've become a die-hard, faithful watcher every Sunday! It's something I get to look forward to after a long day of homework, and it never fails to keep you on the edge of your seat! Just watch it. That's all I really have to say.
I hope you try out some of these shows for yourself! Now let's get Netflixin'!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #7
Hello all!
It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. We're another week closer to spring break, with VT feeling a whole lot springier every single day!
That's all for this week, folks! Be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 9th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. We're another week closer to spring break, with VT feeling a whole lot springier every single day!
A campus sunset earlier this week! |
Perks of being an SMC Social Ambassador! Surprise boxes of My Little Cupcake at meetings. Interested in seeing what other Social Ambassadors are up to? Check them out here! |
Hope to see you again soon, Smugg's! Fingers crossed that this isn't goodbye, and fingers even more crossed for a better season next year! |
That's all for this week, folks! Be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 9th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
What-to-Know Wednesday : Unwritten Rules of Roommate Relations
Whether you're living with one roommate or four, it's no secret that living in tight quarters with another person, no matter how much you get along, can get complicated every now and then!
Of course, there are no set rules for roommate decorum written on a plaque anywhere. But, there are a few unwritten ones that are best followed for smooth sailing between you and your fellow residents!
1.) Keep It Clean!
Not only is it absolutely imperative that you keep your area clean out of consideration of your roommate(s), but it's also important to do your part in cleaning shared spaces! Take turns cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming the common room, etc. Performing other small tasks at any given time, like taking out the trash if you happen to notice it's full, or turning off the lights at the end of the night, whether or not you're asked to, are also great steps towards being a considerate roommate. Think of it as being a member of a household- everyone should be expected to do their part, and sometimes that includes doing a little extra along the way!
2.) Sharing Is Caring!
Now is not the time to get possessive over the little things. You're living together, and that means letting your roommate use some Emergen-C or borrow a drying rack every once in a while! Chances are, they'll be just as generous in your time of need (and if they aren't, you might want to start reevaluating your roommate choices)!
Of course, asking before borrowing is always the best policy. Keep it polite, and you'll keep things running smoothly!
3.) Be patient!
Just like you're bound to make a roommate-snafu every now and then, they're probably prone to a slip-up at some points as well! Always remember to be as patient and forgiving as possible. And as with any other relationship in life, communication is key! Avoid being passive aggressive or suppressing something that might be bothering you. Talk out any concerns or issues calmly and respectfully, preferably in person. Be open with your requests, and encourage your roommate to be open with theirs!
While it may seem complex now, living with a roommate (or roommates) can be one of the best parts of college! These tips are just a few steps towards establishing a great roommate relationship. But with an open mind, respectful presence and a good attitude, it'll come easily!
Enjoy the ride, and have fun!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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