Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #7

Hello all!

It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. We're another week closer to spring break, with VT feeling a whole lot springier every single day!

A campus sunset earlier this week!

Perks of being an SMC Social Ambassador! Surprise boxes of My Little Cupcake at meetings. Interested in seeing what other Social Ambassadors are up to? Check them out here!
A beautiful bluebird day at Smugg's this Saturday! With temperatures this week set to climb through the 40s and 50s, I don't see too many Smugg's days left in our upcoming weekends this season (crying!!!). However, be sure to keep an eye out for my posts over spring break, through which I will be returning to my family's condo in North Conway, NH for a ski day at Wildcat Mountain, and of course some family time!
Hope to see you again soon, Smugg's! Fingers crossed that this isn't goodbye, and fingers even more crossed for a better season next year!

That's all for this week, folks! Be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 9th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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