There are very few times of the year that trump the stress of housing. I'd definitely say it's right up there with finals and class registration. Who will I live with? Where will I live? How can we make that possible? With all the unanswered questions hanging over your heads, it's often impossible to imagine this process without some dramatics sprinkled in.
Thankfully, however, there are ways to make the St. Mike's housing process as drama-free as possible! Take note of the tips below, and you'll be well on your way to smooth sailing.
1.) Have the conversation early!
Be in contact with potential roommate prospects on the earlier side of things. You'll want to make sure you have enough time to make arrangements and plans, and they'll appreciate the advance notice as well!
2.) Attend information sessions!
Each year, residence life hosts an information session for each class to discuss different aspects of the housing process for that year. Important dates, tips, and advice are usually discussed, so your attendance would certainly be to your benefit, as well as that of your future roommate(s)! Be sure to make note of such dates, and plan ahead to ensure you're taking proper procedures and meeting deadlines.
3.) Keep an eye on your e-mail!
Times to "opt-in" to your housing type (double, suite, townhouse, etc.) and the time your group is assigned to pick your room/house are sent via e-mail. You'll want to make sure you're checking vigilantly around housing time so you don't miss these key steps in the process! So keep an eye out, because a missed e-mail could be a real deal-breaker for you and your group.
It may seem stressful now, but after taking the proper steps to stay on top of the process, I've found that things usually work out just fine!
What's also great to deal with a stressful time of year is a care package from home! As I'm sure many of you SMC students already know, St. Mike's offers order forms from On Campus Market to parents at different times of the year: holidays, finals, etc. But it's also great to receive care packages at any other time of the year as well!
With the promo code BLOGGER10 good through July 1st, 2016, you'll save $10 off of any order at! I hope any of you parents reading will consider checking out some of these care packages, because they're always great to receive!
Good luck, and be sure to enjoy this exciting time of year!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
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