Hello all!
It's been another busy week here at St. Mike's. So busy, in fact, that I'm blogging tonight much later than usual! So without further ado, I'll get right to it!
This Saturday, I attended my very first Burlington Farmer's Market!! (I know, I've been here for over two years, that's insane. I'll be going much more often now!) It was AMAZING- so many people, dogs, great food, lots of cool stuff. And best of all, I was able to meet up with my brother (who attends Champlain College, for those of you who missed my first Sum-It-Up Sunday!) and meet some of his friends from school! |
Also found at the Farmer's Market: this incredible doughnut. Now that I know Burlington has a doughnut bakery, I might be in a bit of danger. But nonetheless, I got a taste of what Doughnut Dilemma has to offer at their Farmer's Market tent this Saturday...and boy oh boy, was it a great taste. My eye led me to the bright pink-frosted doughnut, which turned out to be raspberry. YUM. I was an instant fan. Will be back. Look out. |
Next, we made our way down to the South End for the annual Art Hop! This was my first time attending (yes, a lot of firsts this Saturday), as I was required to do so for my Art History class. But now that I know what a fun time it is, I'll more than likely be returning next year! More photos below... |
**cue the flashback to freshman year...blacklight posters. all the blacklight posters. |
The good weather held out just long enough for us to get back from our Burlington excursion on Saturday. Today, however, was a dreary one. But the walk to dinner had us admiring this gorgeous double rainbow! (The "double" part is pretty faint in this photo, but trust me, it was there. "All the way across the sky.") |
Bear with me and this short post tonight! More to come on the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 16th. Stay tuned!!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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