Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What-to-Know Wednesday : Tips & Tricks on Packing For Breaks

Hello all!
With spring break having just come and gone, Easter recess right around the corner, and summer vacation not long after that, there's been a lot of packing, unpacking, and planning lately.
When either going on break or bringing stuff home at the end of the year, there are always a few key things to keep in mind through the process:

1.) What will you actually use?

More often than not, I find by the end of a break that I've over-packed...whether that involves bringing too much clothes, that straightener that I never ended up using, or the jewelry that never left its designated tin.
The last thing I want to do is compare going home for spring break to going camping, but you kind of have to keep the same mindset for both. You're only going for a week, so only bring clothes for that many days. If it's not something you've been wearing regularly at school, it probably won't make its debut at home. So don't pull any of that "well, maybe I'll go somewhere that I would wear this to" nonsense.
The same thing goes with extra nick-knacks...if it's not something you're using regularly at school, you probably won't find the need for it during the week that you're home.

2.) What needs to stay at / leave from school?

Easter weekend is the ideal opportunity to bring all those heavy winter sweaters home till next year. You're also probably going to want to bring all those springy clothes you brought home over Christmas back to school. (YES!!!)
Easter weekend is also a good time to start unloading your room for the year. I know that may seem early, but there's usually less than a month left in the semester at that point, and trust me, time flies.
Obviously don't try to bring home a whole bunch of stuff, but it's probably a good idea to start bringing home those things you thought you'd use through the year but didn't, and also maybe some things that you know you'd be able to go without for the next few weeks or so. 

3.) New year, same rules.

No matter what accommodations you're put in for housing here at St. Mike's, it's important to remember that space is limited. If you're gonna over-pack for something, over-pack on wall decor. I feel like I always end up with tons of extra white space. Other than that, keep it to what you know you'll use, and organize meticulously. When I'm packing before move-in day, I like to group everything in categorized bins...toiletries, class supplies, bedding, etc. This makes things way easier and far more clear during the chaotic unpacking of move-in day.

I hope you all found today's What-to-Know Wednesday helpful! Be sure to stay tuned for the next Sum-it-Up Sunday on the 29th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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