Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sum-it-Up Sunday : Week #11

Hello all!
It's been a nice week back here at St. Mike's after Spring Break. Even though midterms have just barely come and gone, it's strange to think that the end of the semester is in sight. We just finished up all the housing arrangements for next year, and class registration for the fall semester of 2015 is right around the corner! We spent the majority of the week making appointments with our advisors for that, and also enduring some messy weather. It's been warming up here at St. Mike's, but a few scattered snow flurries have persisted, and even a few rain and hail situations were sprinkled in there.
But this weekend, we made sure to give ourselves a well deserved break.

Friday night, we got dinner at the always outrageously-portioned Olive Garden before making our way over to Majestic 10 to see Insurgent! The good thing is, I barely made it through half my bowl that night, so I had plenty to bring for lunch at Smugg's the next day!

It sure was a beautiful day to end our ski season! It was (surprisingly) a little bit cold, but even more surprising was the amount of snow that they'd gotten.

And, as a perfect end to it all, free hot dogs were being handed out outside the lodge towards the end of the day!

Today, we'll be doing some homework, mentally preparing for the week ahead before Easter recess, and of course, tuning in to the Walking Dead season finale!!!
Until next time, sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 1st!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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