Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What-To-Know Wednesday : Sick @ School

You’re sharing a room with one other person (maybe two).
You’re sharing a dorm with 200 residents.
You’re sharing a campus with 2,000+ students.
Every one of you is moseying around the same rooms, classrooms, and hallways, but not everyone can be trusted to cover their mouth and pump up on that hand sanitizer. That being said, it’s nearly inevitable that you won’t be able to avoid at least a 2-day head-cold experience in this oh-so-sickly time of year.

That first time getting sick once you’ve gone away to school is never fun, I won’t lie to you. But if you take preemptive action to stay healthy and if you stay determined to get rid of anything that comes your way, you have nothing to fear!


 1.) Sleep Is Your Friend

I know from firsthand experience that staying up for hours with your favorite Netflix show can be a tempting routine (I’ve watched all nine seasons of The Office twice through, and I’m currently on round three). But the more sleep you have under your belt, the better you’ll feel the next morning, and the more ready your entire system will be to take on the day.

** Make your bed the comfiest place you have at school. Invest in lots of pillows, a mattress supporter, mattress pads (I’ve got three), the works. Putting a little extra work into your bed is totally worth it for a much better night’s sleep.

 2.) Stay Hydrated

 You’ve heard this one before. But take it from someone who had to force herself to get into a routine of drinking more water. Believe me, once I did, I had more energy, more motivation, and I just started feeling so much better in general. Keeping your system strong is key to avoiding the seasonal plague!


 1.) Eat/Drink Your Way Back to Health!

 Spicy foods are enormously helpful when clearing out all that nasty congestion. In a previous post, I’ve discussed my strategy of adding a hearty helping of Tabasco sauce into some Ramen noodles (chicken and beef flavors are my favorites). If you can add any kind of hot sauce to whatever you’re eating, I recommend it!
As for what you’re drinking, I usually go for milk at breakfast on any ordinary day, because I’m not a huge fan of orange juice. But if I’ve come down with something, it’s orange juice for the win. Gotta get that Vitamin C. And, of course, don’t forget lots and lots of water.

2.) Disinfect, Disinfect, Disinfect! 

This is just as much for your roommate’s benefit as it is for yours. You’re in a tight, shared space, so don’t be afraid to spray all the Lysol you deem necessary, wipe down all your surfaces (especially the ones you’ve been touching the most), and keep reaching for that Bath & Body Works (or your go-to hand sanitizer of choice).

** PSA: Don’t be gross. Take out your soggy-tissue-infested trash early and often.

 3.) Come Prepared

It goes without saying that you should be moving into school with a prepared arsenal of sick-supplies. You’ll be glad you’ve got them on hand if/when you come down with something.
(Not pictured: tissues. Buy several boxes at a time. You’ll go through so many. You don’t want to get in that throw the empty box away, go into your closet to get another, but oh wait, there’s NO MORE situation. Nobody wants to be that girl smuggling rolls of toilet paper out of the bathroom.)

With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to face flu-season as confidently as ever, and you’ll definitely be able to beat that cold as quickly as it hit you. Hope you all enjoyed today’s What-to-Know Wednesday. Stay tuned for the next Sum-It-Up Sunday on the 1st!

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