[It's been, dare I say, balmy this week. All the way up to double digits!]
The second week of classes has come and gone, and now I can finally say that I've started getting into a flow. Aside from surviving a quick three-day cold, I've shaken off those first-few-class-jitters.
Two big events this week: we caught a new flick at Majestic 10, we skiied what will have probably been the warmest day of the season, and I completed my very first official Photojournalism assignment.
The dinner of the Gods, pre-American Sniper. Our movie theater of choice, Majestic 10 in Williston, was absolutely packed. But it was very much worth it! Amazing movie. Very sad, but it definitely made us think.
Next on the agenda: my weekly skiing-photo-blowout:
[First ever chairlift-selfie...sound the alarm!!]
Saturday was a beautiful day. And since we weren't worrying about dying of hypothermia, our run-count crawled into the double digits (which was a first for Smugg's).
As for today, I made it into a blustery Burlington to complete my very first official Photojournalism assignment of the semester. For the "Breaking the Ice" assignment, we were instructed to get off campus, approach ten different strangers, and ask to take their picture. As I'm sure you can imagine, this was a terrifying prospect when first introduced. Despite this, I had to keep reminding myself that the worst case scenario would be short and simple: they'd say "no". Unfortunately, that didn't make it any less nerve-wracking.
Nonetheless, I approached my ten people, and I got my 100+ frames required to earn full points! Most of them were happy to help, others were hesitantly willing, and I think I got two "no"s. But the bottom line is, I did it, and I was able to talk with ten people I otherwise wouldn't have said a word to on any ordinary Burlington-jaunt! Plus, I rewarded myself after...
[My first trip to Al's French Frys, a Vermont-only, diner-style joint. A quick five-minute-drive from campus, it was delicious and cheap...*cough cough*...cheaper than Five Guys, and less grease to boot. Plus, they're open for ice cream in the warmer months!]
Hope your week was as eventful as mine, and I hope you stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 28th!
** PROSPECTIVE AND/OR ACCEPTED STUDENTS: I will be on tomorrow night's Knightchat, so be sure to log on at 7:30 PM with any and all questions you may have!! Can't wait!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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