Hello all! It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's.
'Tis the season to update LinkedIn! A quick headshot photoshoot with Jared. |
As I'm sure many of you know, the annual Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day was this Tuesday! While I devoured my "Frozen Flakes" ice cream (cereal and milk flavored!) too quickly to snap a photo, I did manage to snag a shot of my Mr. Mike's slices after. (To all of you accepted students who have already made your official decision to come to St. Mike's - first of all, YAY - and second of all, you should know now this is the best buffalo chicken pizza in town!) |
Each week for my three-hour senior seminar, a student is in charge of bringing a snack. This past Wednesday, I was in charge! If you've been reading along, you'll know our projects were due that day - so not only was there a bit of pressure to bring something extra special, but there was also cause for celebration! These funfetti butter cookies seemed perfectly fitting for such an occasion - and they were a massive hit! I definitely recommend trying them for yourself! |
Once again, I present to you my book, which I officially handed in this Wednesday! Our presentation dates start next week, and I was just notified on Friday afternoon that I will be among the group presenting this coming Monday! (So yes, after posting today's Sum-It-Up Sunday, it's back to Google Slides for me.) While it's a wonderful feeling to be done with the project itself, I'll be truly ready to relax once A: I have presented, and B: my hard copies arrive in the mail (without half of my name cut off the bottom or something catastrophic of that nature). |
Nothing beats sharing a strawberry shake at Al's to celebrate helping to run my very last SMC Open House this Saturday! It's been a wonderful year as a Founders coordinator, and while we still have a few more things left to do, it's sad to know it's coming to an end. |
I hope you all had a wonderful week, and that you're enjoying this burst of beautiful weather we're having today! (At least enjoy it on my behalf, as I'll be working on my senior seminar presentation all day!)
Be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 12th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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