Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #11

Hello all! It's been another wonderful week here at SMC.

If you've been reading along, you'll know from my last post that I'd been nearing completion of my senior capstone project: a book! This Friday morning, I submitted the PDF files for my completed book to the SMC printing services, who will create a cloth-bound copy of my book to submit for the due date this Wednesday. After we turn in these "sloppy copies," we will be submitting our PDFs to our chosen online publishing company to create a softcover 6"x9" copy. A week or so from then, we'll have the final versions of our books ready to hand in and present!

This Saturday, SMC Admissions hosted this year's first April Accepted Students Day! Next Saturday, we'll be doing it all over again. It's always an amazing experience to interact with prospective students - especially accepted ones. This time, I even witnessed a couple of accepted students approach an admissions staff member to make their official deposits! It was incredible to watch a student commit to St. Mike's. I will certainly miss this job!

Here are a couple of snapshots from my week...

Here's your first official sneak peek of my senior seminar book: the cover! This baby went through several revisions before I was happy with the end result: from purchasing photo backdrop paper, to an awkward bedroom photoshoot, to several Photoshop sessions, it's a great feeling to know I created my cover completely from scratch! 

While yesterday's surprise snowstorm resulted in a few Accepted Students Day no-shows, it certainly made for a beautiful day on campus! Did anyone spot the caution tape around our maple trees or see our website warning about the possibility of their exploding? Happy April Fool's! 

I hope you all had a wonderful week! It was great to meet so many accepted students and their families yesterday, and I look forward to meeting many more next weekend!

Until then, be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 5th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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