Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What-to-Know Wednesday : Thinking Positive at SMC

We all woke up this morning to the same news. Whether or not it was what you'd expected or hoped to hear, there is no better time than now to come together. That said, a place like St. Mike's has a lot to be thankful for, and it is certainly a community I am grateful to be part of on a day like today.

Here's why...

1.) We are accepting.

St. Mike's is unconditionally accepting of all races, genders, ethnicities, religions and sexualities. Here, everyone is part of one community.

2.) We provide a safe space.

At St. Mike's, all opinions, perspectives and world-views are heard, respected and valued.

3.) We encourage conversation, healthy debate and inclusion of varying perspectives. 

The St. Mike's atmosphere- from the social community to the academic environment- facilitates the acceptance, discussion and healthy debate of different issues and perspectives.

It is an important day to remind ourselves what we have to be thankful for. Thanks again, SMC. <3

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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