Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What-to-Know Wednesday : Combatting the Rainy Day Blues

We've had quite a few rainy days here at SMC for the past couple of weeks. And while it's nice that we're not missing out many sunny days cooped up working inside, the rain can also make it tough to stay motivated and focused.

Keep up morale with these few tips!

1.) Light it up!

An extra lamp here and there or a string of Christmas lights can add a much needed brightness boost in your bedroom or common area!

2.) Stay busy.

While it may be tempting to hop back in bed with your favorite Netflix-binge-obsession after class, it's more important than ever on days like today to keep your momentum going.

3.) Switch things up.

After you've been working on one thing for a while, start switching over to another task. If you've taken a solid chunk out of your research paper, it might be time to take a break with some cleaning then get back to it. You'll stay busy but you'll also ensure you won't get burnt out on one particular thing.

Happy Wednesday, and be sure to stay tuned for the next Sum-It-Up Sunday on the 20th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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