It's not often that the SMC campus experiences wifi outages. But when we do, it's important to remind ourselves there are ways to survive and thrive without the comfort and reassurance of those familiar bars.
If you read regularly, you'll know that we just came out of our fall break here at SMC, with no classes held on Monday or Tuesday. And unfortunately, just as I sat down for a nice little Netflix bender on Sunday night, those long-weekend-network-maintenance blips kicked in. Alas, we were wifi-less for the night.
So, as a seasoned veteran of such digital disasters, I can't think of a better time to bring you five ways to kick those wifi withdrawals to the curb!
1.) Rent a DVD from the library!
SMC's very own Durick Library has a huge collection of DVD's to rent for free! Bring back the good old days of scouring your local video store for the perfect movie night pick.
2.) Catch up on cleaning.
This could be just the excuse you were looking for to give the ol' dorm room a good scrub down. Take advantage of some freed up time and whip out your Swiffers!
3.) Get cooking.
There's no better time for some quality snacks. Go the homemade route and experiment with making your favorite goodies from scratch!
4.) Get outside.
When you find yourself in an unexpected tech-hiatus, embrace the outdoors! It's Vermont, for crying out loud.
5.) Break out some old fashioned fun!
Find a friend with a board game or a deck of cards and go to town!
How do you make the best of campus wifi withdrawals?
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
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