Wednesday, December 16, 2015
What-to-Know Wednesday : Library Etiquette During Finals Week
Hello all!
I hope finals week is going smoothly for everyone. We're almost there! Just a few more days to go. And if you're looking for any extra motivation, look no further than the @knightlifeVT Instagram! I'm heading up the account this week through Sunday, so if you haven't been following along yet, it's not too late to start!
As you know, this will be my final post of the semester!! Stories of St. Mike's will be going dark until spring semester starts, but be sure to tune in then for my video overview of Christmas break!
Anyway, let's get down to business.
You'll never find the library and academic buildings as packed as you will during finals week. Tensions are high, and everyone has something to study for. That being said, it's important that you follow a few unwritten rules of decorum in any and all study spaces. Take note!
1.) Silence Those Phones!
No offense, but no one came to the library to listen to the incessant buzzing of your group chat. Skip vibrate and go straight to silent...please and thank you! You'll avoid upsetting a lot of already stressed, tense study-ers.
2.) Saving Seats Is Not Cool
We get's tough to nail down a room in the academic buildings or a space in the library when literally everyone is running around trying to snag their favorite spot. But not only is leaving your stuff in an empty room while you go to Alliot a little risky (your laptop is in plain view, people!!), but it's also pretty rude. If you're leaving the room, you're giving up the room!
3.) Private Rooms vs. Shared Spaces
If you're heading to the library for a group study sesh, be mindful of where you decide to set up camp. Chances are you're going to be chatting at least a little, so don't inconvenience all the solo study-ers in the silent area. A private room in the library or a classroom in the academic buildings is far more suitable!
Good luck, happy studying, and happy holidays!! See you in 2016!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #15
Hello all!
It's been a wonderful last week of classes here at St. Mike's. Finals start tomorrow, and you know what that means...this marks the last Sum-It-Up Sunday of the semester! As always, it's been a great experience blogging to you, whoever you are, over these past fifteen weeks! I look forward to sharing my Christmas break with you at the start of spring semester. But in the meantime, you can still stay tuned this What-to-Know Wednesday for the semester's final post. Here's how I spent my last full week of the fall semester!
Well folks, it's about that time. Good luck with finals week!!
This week, I'll be taking over the St. Mike's student-run Instagram account, so be sure to follow @knightlifeVT !! I'll be posting different parts of my week here at St. Mike's, even though it won't be a typical one!
See you there!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
It's been a wonderful last week of classes here at St. Mike's. Finals start tomorrow, and you know what that means...this marks the last Sum-It-Up Sunday of the semester! As always, it's been a great experience blogging to you, whoever you are, over these past fifteen weeks! I look forward to sharing my Christmas break with you at the start of spring semester. But in the meantime, you can still stay tuned this What-to-Know Wednesday for the semester's final post. Here's how I spent my last full week of the fall semester!
Walking down Church Street to my birthday dinner. It's at its most festive this time of year! I love when it gets lit up for the holiday season. |
Yesterday, we tried Sneakers Bistro in the Winooski Circle for the first time! Despite the hour-long wait (yes, an hour...for breakfast...), we got some great coffee and even better food. |
Well folks, it's about that time. Good luck with finals week!!
This week, I'll be taking over the St. Mike's student-run Instagram account, so be sure to follow @knightlifeVT !! I'll be posting different parts of my week here at St. Mike's, even though it won't be a typical one!
See you there!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
What-to-Know Wednesday : Finals Prep
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Hello all!
It's been a crazy, hectic, stressful start to the week-before-finals! But on the bright side, today's What-to-Know Wednesday marks my 100th post, which is super exciting! (But celebrate quickly, we've got some business to tend to!)
As I mentioned, this week is the week before finals. I have my last Art History class today, my last Business and Film classes tomorrow, and my last History of Rock class on Friday (woohoo!).
That being said, however, there's lots of preparation to be done before next week. So without further ado, here are a few tips and tricks on getting ready for finals week!
1.) Prepare Your Study Materials
Get those flashcards ready! You'll be glad you did that ahead of time.
2.) Prioritize
It goes without saying that the cumulative exam in your honors class should be weighed a little heavier than the take-home final for that class you coasted through all semester. But sometimes, you have some choices that are a little more difficult to make.
You'll probably have certain finals that you're a little more stressed out about than others. Sometimes most of your time gets sucked up by one big final that happens to fall before another big, stressful final. Long story short, you'll find yourself stuck in a sticky situation that requires you to prioritize studying for one before the other. And that's okay! As long as you're studying for both, you're good to go.
3.) Plan, Plan, Plan
One shining light in the darkness of finals week is that you don't have class, just your final exam periods, which actually frees up a lot of time that you don't usually have during a regular week. For example, I've got one final Monday, one final Tuesday, and then I don't have another until Friday. That leaves me two whole days of nothing smack dab in the middle of the week!
That being said, it's important that you use this time wisely, studying, getting ready to head home for the month, whatever you need to get done. Make sure you plan out this time, making note (preferably in your planner!) of the things you need to get done each day. This will make things a lot easier on you, and it will also ensure that you don't forget about anything throughout the hustle and bustle!
Interested in other posts like this one? Check out:
Staying Energized & Motivated
Time Management
Surviving the Study-Stage of an Exam
Finals Week Thoughts
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #14
Hello all!
It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. Week fourteen? Really?!?! Just goes to show you how much time flies this time of year. The semester is winding down, finals are right around the corner, and Christmas is waiting for us on the other side! A double-edged sword for sure, but exciting nonetheless. I don't think I've ever been so ready for Christmas break!!
As finals week hurls toward us at increasing speeds, we've made sure to squeeze out our last few bits of fun in these final passing weeks.
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. Week fourteen? Really?!?! Just goes to show you how much time flies this time of year. The semester is winding down, finals are right around the corner, and Christmas is waiting for us on the other side! A double-edged sword for sure, but exciting nonetheless. I don't think I've ever been so ready for Christmas break!!
As finals week hurls toward us at increasing speeds, we've made sure to squeeze out our last few bits of fun in these final passing weeks.
Happy December, and happy studying!!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaughTwitter: @CavanaughClaire
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
What-to-Know Wednesday : Holiday Spirit at SMC
Last year's tree at home back in good ol' Newbury, MA. |
It's the most wonderful time of the year!! With Thanksgiving come and gone and December officially underway, the holiday season has truly begun!
Amidst the stress of finals and the closing of the fall semester, it's important to find the little joys in getting into the holiday spirit at school. Thankfully, here at St. Mike's, you've got plenty of opportunity to get into a holly jolly mood! So without further ado, here are a few ways to get into the holiday spirit at SMC...
1.) Decorate Your Dorm!
Just like in the fall, the impending holidays provide the perfect time to throw up some seasonal decorations in your dorm! My suite-mates and I have gotten into the holiday spirit with some hanging stars and festive lights. However you think you might want to get fancy, whether it be in your personal bedroom or your shared common room, some holiday decor goes a long way in welcoming the holiday season!
2.) Have a movie night!
I've found over the years that I've got the unpopular opinion: classic all the way! But whether you decide on Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town or the Jim Carey Grinch (sorry, but *cringe*!!!), there's nothing better than snuggling up for a Christmas movie marathon! Load up Netflix, grab a friend or two, and forget about finals for a couple of hours!
3.) Christmas Dinner at Alliot!
I've said it before and I'll say it there, or be square. The earlier the better. Enjoy!
Happy Holidays!!!
Intersted in other posts like this one? Check out:
Fall Favorites
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaughTwitter: @CavanaughClaire
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