Hello all!
It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. My busiest week yet has just come and gone, as well as Halloweekend! Sadly, I won't have a cute costume pic to show on today's Sum-It-Up Sunday. This semester has just been so busy that I didn't have time to think up something to my full potential. (Which is why next year is going to have to be especially excellent!!)
But thankfully, we still made the best of our week/weekend.
Another shot sent from my brother at Champlain, stolen for Instagram. |
Friday afternoon, my Adventure Film class and I went on our third and final lab of the semester to Mad River. It was a chilly couple of hours shooting some very generous members of the Wilderness Program as they performed trick after trick for us, but some awesome footage was sure to come out of it! For those of you who might be interested in pursuing the Media Studies, Journalism, & Digital Arts major here at St. Mike's, I highly recommend taking Adventure & Environmental Filmmaking for one of your electives. It's a collaboration between the MJD department and the Wilderness Program in which you'll spend time learning about the camera, editing programs, and critiquing films in class, as well as getting off-campus field experience on a few Friday afternoon labs scattered throughout the semester. We've also gone mountain biking at the Catamount Outdoor Center, and climbing at Bolton! |
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| Saturday morning sweets at Doughnut Dilemma! |
Gorgeous, St. Mike's-themed purple kale at Sam Mazza's Farm Market! |
Making friends with the friendly local pony. |
NOT a friendly. |
This was a surprisingly difficult corn maze, but fun nonetheless!! |
*corny* hahahhaa |
Hope you enjoyed today's Sum-It-Up Sunday, and be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 4th!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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