Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sum-It-Up Sunday : Week #8

Hello all!

It's been another wonderful week here at St. Mike's. While we were on break for the first half, it certainly felt like a full week, and schedules are only getting busier. But as always, we made the best of it!

We finished off our long weekend on Monday with the best breakfast we'd had in a long time- Vermonter's at Athens Diner! The Vermonter was a good sized skillet with home fries, hash, eggs and toast. Super yummy, and right in Winooski.

Next we made our way over to Shelburne Farms for some quality animal time. But on this particular visit, it turned out to be all about the scenery!

Yes Vermont, YES. My favorite shot of the day.

We spent this Saturday in Burlington, enjoying the Farmer's Market and Church Street before winter hits. In this shot, I'd taken my seat at a bench in front of the Burlington City Hall to observe it for a paper I'm writing in my Art History class. Our task is to observe either a piece of ancient art, or a building that reminds us of ancient architecture for a total of 10 hours. I chose to observe this building, and I've been catching the bus downtown over the past few weeks to observe and take notes.

Things got spicy at the Farmer's Market.

The best little cupcake joint in Burlington!! Make a trip, you'll be glad you did. 

As much as I'm loving fall, it does tend to be a short season up here, and I'm definitely looking forward to our weekly Smugg's trips come wintertime! (I'll be getting my pass this week!!!)

Stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 28th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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