Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What-to-Know Wednesday : Picking Your Classes

Hello all!
It's that time of year again- picking our classes for next semester!
As I've already reviewed in a previous post, we've been meeting with our advisors, discussing our options for the upcoming semester, and loading some ideas we have for classes into the "preferred sections" area on Knightvision. (Wondering what all of this means? Check out the link above for more info!)

On today's What-to-Know Wednesday, I'll be going over some key questions to make sure you ask yourself when deciding which classes you want to try to register for. Believe it or not, there's a lot to consider!

1.) Which of the requirements for my major do I need to get done this year?

Usually, there's a particular set of classes that your program recommends you take each year to get all of them done on time. Distribute these requirements between the fall and spring semesters of each year, depending on how many you can/want to take on at once, which semester they are offered in, etc.

2.) Can I get any Liberal Studies requirements out of the way?

Throughout your time at St. Mike's, you'll have to take various classes that fall under the Liberal Studies Curriculum, including a math, a science, a history, an English, a foreign language, a religion, philosophy, and a few more. I've been working on getting these done as soon as possible so I don't have to worry about them later on as my major requirements get more and more intensive.

3.) Do I want to pursue a minor?

If you find yourself in a situation that you have room in your schedule, it might be worth considering a minor. Room in your schedule is no reason to take up a minor that you're not passionate about, but it's certainly worth thinking about!

4.) Are there any other special requirements I need to fulfill?

An example of this would be the Honors Program, which I'm currently taking part in. We have to take a total of three honors classes throughout our four years at St. Mike's, and a different set of honors courses are offered each semester. So it's not necessary to take an honors course every semester, or even in a row. Check the honors offerings for each semester, and when you come across one you think you'd like or might fulfill a Liberal Studies requirement, it would probably be a good idea to knock another honors course off that requirement!

5.) Do I have flexibility in my schedule this upcoming semester, and if I do, how should I fill the empty spaces?

I've been going through this conundrum in this semester's registration prep. Since most MJD students are putting aside an entire semester this upcoming year to study abroad, the program outline really only suggests certain classes for one semester out of the two. Since I'm getting my study abroad requirement taken care of this summer on my China trip, I have an entire semester to figure out for myself. I hope to get an Internship done and take the MJD program's internship class simultaneously, get another honors course done, and I'm thinking about two other classes that I just think would be interesting to take, but those will be revealed later if I get into them! ;)

Hope today's What-to-Know Wednesday was interesting and helpful, and be sure to stay tuned for the next Sum-It-Up Sunday on the 12th!

Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire

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