Welcome to this week's Sum-It-Up Sunday! It was yet another busy week here at St. Mike's as things get closer and closer to spring break (two more weeks!!!), so we're all in crunch time over here!
Thankfully, however, we've had a few bursts of comfort here and there...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, the Girl Scouts are in town- namely, Alliot, in their yearly stop at St. Mike's! Had to grab a couple of favorites.
As the days are getting longer, we've been getting some bright, beautiful sunsets here at St. Mike's! Loving it.
On Friday, my roommate Marissa and I had a little visitor. Her dog Toby! He was such a sweetheart, and it was a nice little break amidst all the class-hype of the week.
Yesterday, we made our way to Smugg's again for what may have been the most beautiful day that I can remember. The sun was out, it was nice and warm, there wasn't a cloud in the sky or a single gust of wind. For what I believe was the first time ever, Jared and I saw a group of people congregating up on a little hilltop at the summit of Madonna capturing that incredible view with their phones. So, naturally, I had to join!
[Hoping for some more days like this in the future. Fingers crossed!]
...a chocolate drizzled waffle from the Waffle Cabin!!! Every Saturday as we line up at the Madonna II lift, an overwhelming aroma of chocolate and waffles fills the air from the nearby hut.
And it's torturous.
So this weekend, I finally gave in! I would say it was a tad overpriced for a waffle and some chocolate, but for a one-time indulgence, it was worth it. Simply incredible.
For those of you buckling down for these last couple of weeks before break here at St. Mike's, I wish you luck! For all of you prospective/accepted students, I hope you enjoyed today's Sum-It Up Sunday!
Be sure to stay tuned for the next What-to-Know Wednesday on the 4th!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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