[The consistently beautiful ride back to campus last Sunday.]
Hello all, and welcome to the very first Sum-It-Up Sunday of the semester!
We all just finished the first week of the spring semester here at St. Mike's, and I've definitely been hearing some mixed reviews from peers.
At least in my experience, I've noticed my classes have been getting more and more challenging (in a good way!) as the semesters go by, so this week was by no means a laid back, or as I've heard my roommate say, "fluffy" first week.
However, that doesn't mean we didn't all have a great time getting back into the swing of St. Mike's life.
With the way our class schedule turned out this semester, Jared and I were able to sneak over to Smugg's on Tuesday for the first ski day of the semester...and let me tell ya, it couldn't have been a more perfect day to go.
It was pretty frigid (that's January skiing), but with my new jacket and all the fresh powder from the snow the day before, conditions were amazing, and we had some of the most amazing woods-runs yet.
It was one of those days that I couldn't resist the risk of taking my phone out for some chairlift shots.
This was our first run of the day- I wish I remembered the name of the glade, but it ran all the way down the length of the mountain. Super fun, super pretty.
Couldn't get enough shots in there.
...the sun starting to go down...(cold)
The rest of the week went relatively smoothly with classes, especially since we were able to get that nice break on Tuesday. Every hall had a meeting, just to make sure everything was going well and that things were going exactly how they're supposed to, and things are definitely off to a great start.
At the end of the week, we made it out to Our House again for some amazing mac and cheese.
I got the incredible Breakfast Mac: bacon macaroni and cheddar cheese, topped with a strip of bacon and a sunny-side-up egg. After having the Shrimp Scampi Mac last time, which I thought would be hard to beat, I have to say that I've found a new favorite, and my very high recommendation goes out to all of you.
Vermont, you never cease to amaze me. (An apres-dinner Walmart jaunt for some lunch for the next day's ski trip....and a little dessert. And I know what you're thinking, but the cold can't stop us.)
Speaking of cold, just when I thought skiing couldn't get chillier than Tuesday, Saturday proved me wrong. It was so bitter that my phone could only stay around enough to get a quick shot of the new skis before the temperature warning popped up.
We're talking eight-below at the base, people.
All in all, it was a great first week back...it's crazy to think that the next time I'll have a first week back, it'll be when I'm a junior. Craziness.
But until then, I gotta focus on being a sophomore, and I've got some homework to get to!
Until next time, folks...stay tuned for the next What-To-Know Wednesday on the 21st!
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @claire_cavanaugh
Twitter: @CavanaughClaire
E-mail: ccavanaugh2@mail.smcvt.edu
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